Xavier de Souza Briggs
Associate Professor
Department of Urban Studies and Planning

Emilio J. Castilla
NTU Professor of Management
MIT Sloan School of Management

Roberto Fernandez
William F. Pounds Professor in Management
Professor of Organization Studies
Sloan School of Management

Renee Richardson Gosline
Senior Lecturer and Research Scientist
Sloan School of Management

Katherine Kellogg
Associate Professor of Business Administration, Organization Studies Department
Sloan School of Management

John Van Maanen
Erwin H. Schell Professor of Management
Professor of Organization Studies
Sloan School of Management

Fiona Murray
Associate Dean For Innovation
Co-Director MIT Innovation Initiative
William Porter (1967) Professor of Entrepreneurship
Faculty Director, Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship
Faculty Director, Legatum Center

Wanda Orlikowski
Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Information Technologies and Organization Studies
Sloan School of Management

Ray Reagans
Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Management
Professor of Organization Studies
Sloan School of Management

Susan S. Silbey
Leon and Anne Goldberg Professor of Humanities, Sociology and Anthropology
Professor of Behavioral and Policy Sciences, Sloan School of Management
Head, Anthropology

Ezra Zuckerman Sivan
Professor, MIT Sloan School of Management
Faculty Director, Sloan PhD Program

Catherine Turco
Associate Professor of Organizational Studies, MIT Sloan School of Management

Sherry Turkle
Abby Rockefeller Mauzé Professor of the Social Studies of Science and Technology
Director, MIT Initiative on Technology and Self
Program in Science, Technology, and Society
Nathan Wilmers
Assistant Professor of Work and Organization Studies
Sloan School of Management